
When I create a title for a particular figure sculpture I am working on, I have developed a practice of spending time sitting with the sculpture, letting the sculpture itself tell me what its name is.

When We Cannot See

My first actual responses to the self isolation and “shelter at home” of the CoVID-19 crisis came as a simple image in my imagination — a blindfold.

Into the Quiet

It’s impossible to ignore the impact of the recent CoVID-19 pandemic on our lives and the way we interact with the people we are used to having around us. As an artist, I am finding it equally difficult to ignore the impact of our current situation on my art and creative process.


Drawing dancers in their tutus, and the layers and layers of translucent tulle has always been a challenge for me … Trying to sculpt this in clay, … that was a technical challenge I had never been brave enough to attempt.

Surprised by the light

Fired terracotta clay, 12″ We live, so often, blinded by the darkness, both around us and within us. The light is there, but our eyes are closed to it. Then something happens, and we open our eyes.  The harsh reality of the light both terrifies us, and calls us forward. We are faced with a […]

What’s in a Name?

I have spent a great deal of time pondering the process of attaching a title to a piece. I wrote a post some time ago, bemoaning the title of “Untitled” which people sometimes use, and talking about the significance of a title as it becomes an integral part of the work, giving us a window […]

Through the Fire

There is something very ancient, even primal, about working with ceramics and the process of earth and fire. As much as I appreciate the advent of computerized controls on modern electric kilns and the ability to precisely control the firing profile, with the resulting high degree of predictability in the outcome of one’s work, I […]


I have been fascinated by the image of the sheltering hands, and the different circumstances and postures which we bring to our position in those hands.  From the figure huddled in a heap, to the child asleep without a care, to the one with the courage and hope to be able to stand up and […]


Broken, 24 Aug 2016

What is there in a piece of broken clay, a simple sculpture, shattered on the floor? On Wednesday, around 3:30AM local time, another devastating earthquake hit the area around the Gran Sasso mountain in central Italy. Early counts put the death toll around 159 and rising. The region is no stranger to earthquakes.  In 2009, […]

Final Project

One of our major assignments over the course of the Incarnate 2016 program was to create a series of five visual art pieces following a common theme, for the final exhibition. Each student had to develop their own thesis, plan the pieces in the series, and describe how they related to what God was speaking into their lives through His word.

Time and Tide

(Low-fire Terra Cotta, 9″ tall) I’ve been following Andrew-Brady on deviantArt for some time. I ran across his piece, “Time and Tide”, and thought it would be a perfect piece to do as a sculpture. What drew me to the painting was the sense of our smallness against the never ending rhythm of the tide and […]