Sculpture Class

I started following the Proko educational art site several years ago. The site is primarily dedicated to resources and videos for drawing, especially around the human figure, but they recently added in an emphasis on 3D art and sculpture. I enrolled in their first sculpture class, watching the videos and doing the homework assignments. This […]

Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

As I sat looking at the finished piece, I was drawn to her eyes and the way she was holding her arms. I sensed the tension we live in every day, perpetually suspended between the past and the future.

Arms and fingers and legs, oh my!

I have always been fascinated by how our arms and shoulders silently communicate our thoughts and emotions. Working with clay forces us to deal with the fact that the arms are the most slender feature of the body, and thus pose some serious technical issues

When We Cannot See

My first actual responses to the self isolation and “shelter at home” of the CoVID-19 crisis came as a simple image in my imagination — a blindfold.

Into the Quiet

It’s impossible to ignore the impact of the recent CoVID-19 pandemic on our lives and the way we interact with the people we are used to having around us. As an artist, I am finding it equally difficult to ignore the impact of our current situation on my art and creative process.

The Dance of the Artists

In 2014, at the OM Arts, Incarnate School of Art and Mission in Italy, I began a personal tradition. I spent two weeks with the students (out of the three month program) as they worked, building a community of Christ following artists. My role was observer and mentor, coming along side them as they created […]


Drawing dancers in their tutus, and the layers and layers of translucent tulle has always been a challenge for me … Trying to sculpt this in clay, … that was a technical challenge I had never been brave enough to attempt.

Time and Tide

(Low-fire Terra Cotta, 9″ tall) I’ve been following Andrew-Brady on deviantArt for some time. I ran across his piece, “Time and Tide”, and thought it would be a perfect piece to do as a sculpture. What drew me to the painting was the sense of our smallness against the never ending rhythm of the tide and […]