Holding On

A full time artist?

Ever since leaving my position working in computer support and IT to start working with OM Arts, I’ve described myself as a “Full time artist”. I am not really “full time” in the sense that most people would think of an artist–one who spends the majority of his or her day working through the process of envisioning, […]

Deeply Rooted

One of the practices which I have developed is carrying my sketchbook wherever I go, as a way to reflect on and respond to things I hear. One of my favorite times is during the Sunday morning worship time. I did this sketch in response to a series of messages our pastor brought, entitled “Deeply Rooted”.



Convergence — to bring two or more entities closer together; to bring disparate pieces together in order to form a whole. I recently spent a week at the “SALT” conference in Belgium, put on by OM Arts Intl.  As the leadership team spent time praying together before the start of the conference, we began to […]

The Artist in Community

The concept behind this piece — as a single piece, and not just ten little sculptures — is the way God has created us, as individual artists, to live and operate in community. … As God has created each of you, and molded you through your life experiences, He has made a wonderful and unique person, every one of you beautiful in your own distinct way, standing on your own, with the gifts that only He could give.